HRMPEB's Client facing Services
Ready to advance your HR career with HRMPEB qualifications? Register effortlessly through the HRMPEB Student Portal and take the first step toward earning a globally recognized HR certification. Secure your spot today and unlock new opportunities in the dynamic world of Human Resource Management!.
Leverage your prior qualifications by applying for credit equations and subject exemptions for courses equivalent to HRMPEB’s syllabus. In line with our Exemptions Policy, you may be eligible for exemptions covering up to 49% of the CHRP syllabus, allowing you to fast-track your certification while recognizing your prior learning and expertise.
Exam Booking
HRMPEB conducts examinations in three series annually—April, June, and November. To be eligible to sit for an exam, candidates must submit their exam booking online through the HRMPEB Student Portal within the specified registration period.
Examinations Administration
HRMPEB offers a network of accredited examination centers to ensure accessibility and convenience for all candidates. Our team of qualified examiners upholds the highest standards of fairness, integrity, and professionalism, ensuring that your assessment outcomes are evaluated accurately and transparently.
Your success matters to us, and we are committed to upholding a transparent and credible examination process. If you're not satisfied with your examination results, you have the option to request a remarking of your paper(s)
When you have Completed and passed your Assessements, apply to be certified, and add the prefix CHRP to your Name. After certification your name will listed in the prestigious CERTIFIED HUMAN RESOURCE PROFESSIONALS register as a full fledged HR Practitioner
Frequently Asked Questions
What are entry requirements for CHRP?
To qualify for CHRP you must possess a Minimum of C+ in KCSE, or Equivalent
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade C+ and above.
- A Diploma in Human Resource Management or Business-related Diploma from a recognized examining body.
- A bachelor degree from a recognized university.
- Equivalent qualification as determined by KNQA.

What are Entry requirements for CBET Diploma in HR
- KCSE mean grade C minus (C-) and above or KCE Division III, KACE 1 principal and 1 subsidiary.
- A certificate in Human Resource Management or Business-related certificate course from a recognized institution.
- Equivalent qualifications as determined by Kenya National Qualifications Framework (KNQF).

Entry requirements for Craft Certificate in HR
- Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade D and above.
- Equivalent qualifications as determined by Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA).

How to create a HRMPEB student portal account.
- Visit
- Click Student portal tab, then select register here on the login form
- Fill in your name, email and submit You will receive login credentials, via the Email Address used for registration
- Login using the credentials provided via email
- A password reset page will appear, student/applicants will be required to enter the new password, confirm and log in to the portal

- (IF NOT ALREADY REGISTED)Visit > Select student portal > Click register > Fill in your email and ID number > A password reset will be sent to your email > Log in using the password and
- Proceed to change the password > You will be redirected back to the login page to login with your newly changed credentials.
(IF ALREADY REGISTERED, Login and from Start at STEP 3) - Select the New student registration option from the main menu and choose Registration.
- Read the Application for Registration/Admission Quick Guidelines.
- Click Register Course for the appropriate course option (e.g. RCHRP, CERTHRM, DIPHRM).
- Fill in the Registration application and upload a profile picture.
- Attach mandatory and additional documents.
- Agree with terms and conditions then Submit registration.
- Select Proceed to Payment, the invoice will be dis played.
- Select Proceed to Payment, a page containing payment instructions will appear.
- Select Pay Now, enter your phone number then select confirm Payment.
- A prompt from M-PESA will appear on your mobile phone for entering your PIN to complete the payment.
- To edit draft application, follow the sequence: Registration > New Student Registration > Drafts
- To view application status, follow the sequence: Registration > New Student Registration > Application Status

How to Book for Examinations
- Visit www.,
- Click student portal option,
- Log into your student portal or create one if you don’t have, (Using above provided steps),
- Select student booking followed by Examinations tab.
- Follow the simple prompts provided to book for Exam,
- Reload available papers and select the ones you want to book,
- Make payments before submitting.

How to Apply for Exemptions
- Login to the student management portal.
- Navigate to the Applications for Exemption list and click on Applications for Exemption.
- Review the exemption policies and click Apply Now
- Click next on the examination pop-up to proceed to qualification
- Fill in the exemption qualifications, click save details, click next to view the exemptions.
- Click next and proceed to attach the mandatory documents.
- Agree to the code of conduct, click on submit exemption application and await processing

How to Apply for Certification
- Log into your portal
- Selected Certification on the right-side pop-up menu
- Click proceed to payment, then pay using any of the available payment options.